Welcome to Tissus Pop fabrics' blog

Welcome to Tissus Pop fabrics' blog

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Welcome to the Tissus Pop blog !

You will find here inspiration for sewing fun stuff, as well as the shop and fabrics news and information.

Here at Tissus Pop we like to enjoy sewing accessories and clothes that can be used everyday and at the same time make life more joyful.

Why you should sew...

I won't pretend sewing will allow you to have cheaper stuff, this is rarely the case. If you want a cheap T-shirt or bag and have no specific expectations you can no doubt find them cheaper than the cost of buying the material in the ready made industry. However for a coat or underwear it can be economic, as well as if you wan't to reproduce for yourself an expensive piece of a brand you like and you cannot afford (I would however encourage you to try and buy from them as much as you can if you like this brand and want to support them).

Sewing allows you to make the things you don't find in the ready made industry, with the size and patterns you like.

Sewing allows you to sew clothes that fit you if you're far from the general standards (too tall, too shot, too big, too thin, handicaped, etc), or suit you even better if you're close to the standards. Every body is different, no ready made cloth can fit everybody. And I know it pretty well, in my way I'm very far from standards.

Sewing yourself allows you to be sure nobody is exploited or underpaid for sewing your clothes or accessories as is often the case in the clothing industry.

Sewing is fun and creative, and a good relaxing activity, by concentrating in it, you can escape our ever faster going life and enjoy a bit of slow life.

Sewing makes you proud to show, use or wear what you have made to others and helps self confidence !

Sewing is all this and probably much more.

Enjoy sewing !

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